The Art and Science of Full Body Waxing: A Comprehensive Guide

Full body waxing has become a popular grooming choice for individuals seeking smooth, hair-free skin. This hair removal technique, which involves the application of warm wax to remove unwanted hair from head to toe, offers a longer-lasting solution compared to shaving or depilatory creams. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the art and science of full body waxing, exploring its history, benefits, techniques, and aftercare.

I. A Brief History of Waxing

Waxing as a hair removal method has roots that trace back to ancient civilizations. Historical records suggest that the ancient Egyptians practiced body hair removal as a part of their hygiene and aesthetic routines. Similarly, ancient Greeks and Romans also valued smooth, hair-free skin, using various concoctions of wax-like substances to achieve this effect.

Waxing gained popularity in modern times during the 20th century, with advancements in cosmetic and beauty practices. Over the years, the technique has evolved, incorporating new materials, tools, and methods to make the process more efficient and comfortable.

II. Benefits of Full Body Waxing

1. Smooth and Long-Lasting Results:

Unlike shaving, which only removes hair at the surface level, waxing pulls hair from the root, providing smoother skin that lasts for several weeks.

2. Hair Thinning Over Time:

Regular waxing can lead to hair regrowth that is finer and sparser, making subsequent sessions more comfortable.

3. Exfoliation:

Waxing not only removes unwanted hair but also exfoliates the skin, leaving it smoother and softer.

4. Reduced Ingrown Hairs:

Waxing reduces the likelihood of ingrown hairs, a common issue with other hair removal methods.

5. Precision and Versatility:

Full body waxing can be customized to address specific areas, making it a versatile option for various preferences.

III. Full Body Waxing Techniques

1. Preparation:

  • Skin should be clean and dry before waxing to ensure optimal results.

  • Some professionals recommend exfoliating the skin a day or two before waxing to remove dead skin cells and prevent ingrown hairs.

2. Choosing the Right Wax:

  • There are various types of wax available, including soft wax and hard wax.

  • Soft wax is applied thinly and removed with cloth strips, while hard wax is applied thickly and removed without strips.

3. Application:

  • The wax is heated to a specific temperature and applied in the direction of hair growth using a spatula or applicator.

  • Strips of cloth or paper may be pressed onto the wax before removal in the case of soft wax.

4. Hair Removal:

  • After the wax has set, it is quickly pulled off against the direction of hair growth.

  • Professionals use techniques to minimize pain, such as holding the skin taut during removal.

5. Post-Wax Care:

  • A soothing lotion or oil is applied to calm the skin and reduce redness.

  • Clients are often advised to avoid sun exposure, hot showers, and strenuous exercise for a day or two after waxing.

IV. Common Misconceptions about Full Body Waxing

1. Myth: Waxing is Extremely Painful:

While waxing can cause discomfort, the pain is often exaggerated. Professionals use techniques to minimize discomfort, and many clients find the results worth the brief discomfort.

2. Myth: Waxing Causes More Ingrown Hairs:

When performed correctly, waxing can reduce the occurrence of ingrown hairs compared to other hair removal methods.

3. Myth: Waxing Leads to Darker or Thicker Hair Regrowth:

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that waxing causes hair to grow back darker or thicker. In fact, repeated waxing can lead to finer regrowth.

V. Full Body Waxing for Men

1. Changing Trends:

  • Full body waxing is no longer exclusive to women; an increasing number of men are opting for this grooming technique.

  • Popular areas for men include the back, chest, and even the full leg.

2. Preparation and Aftercare for Men:

  • Men should follow similar preparation and aftercare steps as women.

  • Professionals may recommend specific products for post-wax care, taking into account the differences in male skin.

VI. DIY vs. Professional Waxing 

1. Pros and Cons of DIY Waxing:

  • DIY waxing kits are readily available for at-home use.

  • While cost-effective, DIY waxing may not offer the same precision and thoroughness as a professional service. 

2. Benefits of Professional Waxing:

  • Professionals have the expertise to navigate different hair types and skin sensitivities.

  • Salon environments are typically more sanitary, reducing the risk of infection.

VII. Risks and Precautions 

1. Potential Side Effects:

  • While rare, side effects may include redness, irritation, or ingrown hairs.

  • Individuals with sensitive skin or certain medical conditions should consult with a dermatologist before waxing. 

2. Choosing a Professional:

  • Clients should seek licensed and experienced estheticians or cosmetologists for waxing services.

  • Hygiene standards should be a priority in the chosen salon.

Full body waxing has evolved into a popular and effective method of hair removal, offering smooth, long-lasting results. As individuals embrace the benefits of waxing for both aesthetic and practical reasons, understanding the techniques, myths, and aftercare becomes crucial. Whether performed professionally or at home, full body waxing has become an integral part of the grooming routine for many, transcending gender and cultural boundaries. With the right knowledge and precautions, individuals can achieve the silky, hair-free skin they desire while minimizing potential risks. 

As we conclude our exploration of the art and science of full body waxing, it's essential to recognize that personal preferences, pain thresholds, and skin types vary. While the benefits of waxing are numerous, it's crucial to approach the process with realistic expectations and adhere to proper aftercare practices. 

In a society that increasingly values self-care and grooming, full body waxing stands out as a versatile and effective solution for those seeking a hair-free lifestyle. The history of waxing, from ancient civilizations to modern times, highlights its enduring appeal and the ongoing refinement of techniques. 

Whether you're a seasoned waxing enthusiast or a newcomer contemplating the experience, the information provided in this guide serves as a comprehensive resource to navigate the world of full body waxing. From understanding the benefits and debunking common myths to exploring techniques and aftercare, this guide equips you with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions about your hair removal journey. 

In the dynamic landscape of beauty and grooming, full body waxing continues to be a significant player, adapting to changing trends and embracing inclusivity. Men, too, are increasingly recognizing the appeal of smooth, hair-free skin, challenging traditional norms. 

Ultimately, full body waxing is more than just a grooming routine; it's a form of self-expression and self-care. As the industry evolves and professionals continue to refine their skills, the future of full body waxing promises even greater comfort, efficiency, and accessibility for individuals of all backgrounds. 

So, whether you choose the comfort of a professional spa or the convenience of a DIY kit at home, full body waxing remains a timeless practice that empowers individuals to feel confident and comfortable in their skin. As you embark on your waxing journey, may this guide serve as a valuable companion, demystifying the process and celebrating the artistry and science behind achieving beautifully smooth skin.

The Complete Guide to Lash Lifts: Enhancing Your Natural Beauty

In recent years, lash lifts have emerged as a popular beauty trend, offering a semi-permanent solution to achieving beautifully curled and lifted lashes. Led by licensed professionals, this innovative procedure has become an attractive alternative to dealing with the challenges of traditional lash extensions or falsies. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the intricacies of lash lifts, from the process involved and preparation required to the aftercare and various types of lash lift treatments available. 

I. Understanding Lash Lifts 

A. Definition and Purpose 

A lash lift is described as a perm for your lashes, aiming to enhance your eyelashes by providing a natural-looking lift and curl that lasts for several weeks. Unlike traditional extensions or false lashes, a lash lift focuses on elevating the natural lashes from the root, giving them a lifted and lengthened appearance. 

1. Celebrity Endorsement

Celebrity lash expert Clementina Richardson emphasizes the transformation achieved by a lash lift, explaining that it curls lashes from the base to the tip, providing a full-length effect. 

B. The Process of Getting a Lash Lift 

The journey to achieving captivating lashes begins with a meticulous process carried out by licensed professionals. 

1. Consultation

A thorough consultation is the starting point, where your desired lash style is discussed, and a suitable curling rod is selected based on your preferences. 

2. Application Process

The eyes are cleansed, and a silicone rod is placed onto the eyelids. Natural lashes are then curled over and attached to the rod, followed by the application of lifting and setting lotions. 

II. Benefits and Preparation 

A. Benefits of Lash Lifts 

1. Natural Appearance

Lash artist Paula Ocot highlights that a lash lift creates a natural eye-opening lash swoop, enhancing your eyes for several weeks. 

2. Time Efficiency

Expect to say goodbye to mascara and lash curlers, streamlining your beauty routine. 

B. Preparation for Lash Lift Treatment 

1. Minimal Preparation

One of the appealing aspects of the lash lift process is the minimal preparation required. Arrive at your appointment with a makeup-free face. 

2. Avoiding Eye Makeup

Ocot recommends avoiding eye makeup, especially waterproof mascara, a few days before the treatment to ensure optimal results. 

III. Lash Lift Procedure: Step by Step 

A. Customization Based on Desired Results 

1. Consultation Importance

Lash lifts begin with a detailed consultation to understand your desired results and assess your natural lashes and eye shape. 

2. Silicone Curling Rod Selection

Based on your preferences, the artist selects the appropriately sized silicone curling rod to shape, lift, and curl your lashes. 

B. Chemicals and Safety 

1. Importance of Licensed Professionals

Given the involvement of chemicals in the perming process, selecting a licensed professional using safely formulated solutions is crucial. 

IV. Duration and Longevity of Lash Lifts 

A. Temporary Nature 

1. Duration of the Lift

A lash lift is not permanent and typically lasts for around 4 to 6 weeks. However, the duration can vary based on individual factors. 

B. Factors Influencing Longevity 

1. Immediate Aftercare

The initial 48 hours after the treatment are crucial, and following the aesthetician's care instructions is essential for optimal results. 

2. Long-Term Lash Care

Ongoing care involves avoiding waterproof mascara, minimizing the use of oils around the eyes, and being mindful of activities that can impact the lifted lashes. 

3. Natural Lash Growth Cycle

The rate at which your natural lashes grow contributes to how long the lift will last. 

4. Types of Lash Lifts

Different types of lash lifts, such as keratin lash lifts and length-volume-lift (LVL) treatments, can have varying durations. 

V. Varieties of Lash Lift Treatments 

A. Keratin Lash Lift 

1. Keratin Application Process

The application of a semi-permanent curling solution, involving a silicone rod covered in keratin, creates a lifted effect. 

2. Duration of the Procedure

Keratin lash lifts typically take around 45 to 60 minutes to complete. 

B. Length-Volume-Lift (LVL) Lash Lift 

1. Volumizing Without Keratin

LVL treatments focus on curling and volumizing lashes without using keratin. 

2. Application Process

A wand is used to apply a lifting balm, volumizer, and tint during the procedure, taking approximately 45 minutes. 

C. Combination Treatments

Some individuals opt for a combination of keratin treatments and LVL lash lifts to achieve a natural, wispy lash look. 

VI. Exploring At-Home Lash Lift Kits 

A. Advantages and Disadvantages 

1. Professional Recommendation

While at-home lash lift kits are available, professionals often recommend visiting a salon or spa for optimal results. 

2. Challenges of Self-Application

Performing a lash lift on oneself can be challenging due to the need for closed eyes throughout the procedure. 

3. Risks of Self-Application

Leaving the treatment on for too long during self-application may risk damaging the eyelashes.

IV. Duration and Longevity of Lash Lifts  

C. Factors Contributing to Longevity 

1. Immediate Aftercare

The importance of immediate aftercare cannot be overstated. Adhering to the aesthetician's instructions during the initial 48 hours is crucial for the proper setting of the lift. 

2. Long-Term Lash Care

Continued care involves steering clear of waterproof mascara, limiting the use of oils around the eyes, and avoiding activities that may impact the lifted lashes. 

3. Natural Lash Growth Cycle

Understanding and considering your natural lash growth cycle is key to managing expectations regarding how long the lift will last. 

4. Types of Lash Lifts

Different types of lash lifts, such as keratin lash lifts and length-volume-lift (LVL) treatments, offer varying durations. For example, a keratin lash lift may last for 6 weeks or more. 

V. Varieties of Lash Lift Treatments (Continued) 

D. Yumi or Keratin Lash Lift 

1. Keratin Application

A Yumi lash lift utilizes a keratin treatment, a protein naturally occurring in hair and nails, providing strength and smoothness. 

2. Application Process

During the procedure, a silicone rod covered in keratin is applied, creating a semi-permanent curling effect. The rod is left in place for approximately 8 minutes, followed by the use of a serum to set the keratin. 

3. Duration of the Procedure

The entire process typically takes around 45 to 60 minutes. 

VI. Exploring At-Home Lash Lift Kits (Continued) 

B. Advantages and Disadvantages 

1. Professional Guidance

While at-home lash lift kits are available, beauty professionals often emphasize the importance of seeking salon services for optimal results. 

2. Self-Application Challenges

Conducting a lash lift on oneself presents challenges, especially considering the need for closed eyes throughout the procedure. 

3. Risks of Self-Application

Leaving the treatment on for an extended period during self-application may pose risks of damaging the eyelashes, emphasizing the importance of professional expertise. 

In conclusion, the world of lash lifts offers a transformative and time-efficient solution for individuals seeking a natural and enduring curl to their lashes. From understanding the intricacies of the procedure and the essential steps involved to exploring the variety of lash lift treatments available, this guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview. Whether opting for a keratin lash lift, an LVL treatment, or considering at-home kits, individuals can now make informed decisions to enhance their natural beauty and streamline their beauty routines. As the popularity of lash lifts continues to rise, this guide serves as a valuable resource for those embarking on the journey toward captivating and lifted lashes.

The Intricacies of Spa Treatments: Understanding Brazilian Waxing

In today's world, spa treatments have become an essential aspect of self-care. Among these treatments, Brazilian waxing stands out for its effectiveness and long-lasting results over time. This essay explores the intricacies of spa treatments in general, with a particular focus on Brazilian waxing, while addressing the importance of understanding the details involved.

The Benefits of Waxing

Spa treatments are not just about grooming; they encompass a holistic approach to well-being. They provide relaxation, rejuvenation, and a sense of pampering that can uplift your spirits.


When performed correctly, waxing is less likely to cause irritation compared to other methods such as shaving. When done properly it is a great option for hair removal.

Lasting Results

Waxing pulls out hair from the root, resulting in weaker, softer, and thinner regrowth. Over time, you'll have less hair to groom, making it a more manageable and long-lasting solution.

The Art of Brazilian Waxing

Brazilian waxing is a form of hair removal that has gained popularity due to its efficiency and silky-smooth results. The process involves the complete removal of hair from both the front and back areas of the bikini region.

Preparation and Post Treatment

Post-Wax Care

After a Brazilian wax, it is crucial to provide some extra care to the treated area. Here at Citrine we recommend Fur Oil to help hydrate, soothe, and prevent future ingrown hairs.

Best clothing to wear

The day of your wax we recommend wearing loose fitting clothing so the skin has plenty of room to breath.

Physical Activity and Water Exposure

Steer clear of strenuous activities and soaking in water for at least 24 hours. While showers are acceptable, baths might cause irritation.

Hair Maintenance

We recommend to stop shaving 2 weeks before your waxing appointment as the hair needs to be at least a 1/4 of an inch long. Post wax resist the urge to shave or remove any stubble. Such actions can increase the risk of ingrown hairs before your next waxing appointment.

Brazilian Waxing: Art and Science

Painless Techniques

Modern advancements have made Brazilian waxing virtually painless. The use of high-quality wax and expert techniques minimizes discomfort, making the experience more pleasant than ever.

Personalized Styles

Waxing offers a range of personalized styles, allowing individuals to choose their preferred level of hair removal. Whether it's a bikini line wax, a Brazilian wax, or something in between, clients can customize their look.

Body Confidence

Brazilian waxing contributes to body confidence. The feeling of smooth, hair-free skin boosts self-esteem and allows individuals to feel more confident in intimate situations or while donning a swimsuit.

Common Concerns and Addressing Misconceptions

Hygiene and Safety

Brazilian waxing, when done in a reputable, clean establishment, is a hygienic and safe procedure. Here at Citrine Skin & Lash Spa we adhere to strict sanitation protocols, and procedures. We have a strict no double dip policy!

Pain Perception

The fear of pain should not deter individuals from experiencing Brazilian waxing. With expert estheticians and high-quality wax, the discomfort is minimized, and the silky results outweigh any momentary unease.

Understanding the intricacies of spa treatments, especially Brazilian waxing, is essential for making informed choices about your self-care routine. Spa treatments offer a multitude of benefits, from holistic well-being to long-lasting results, both for your body and mind. In the end, spa treatments are about promoting your confidence, self-love, and a rejuvenated sense of self.

Spotlight on Isun Alive and Ageless Skincare


In my last blog post when I spotlighted LeMieux cosmetics, today I will talk about Isun the second line I carry here at Citrine Spa.  I want to start off by saying that each line I carry is so special to me as they are all hand picked for different reasons and I really wanted to be able to carry a variety of lines that are unique, high end, and offer different types of result driven treatments.  So lets start talking about Isun.  


I first learned about Isun when I started working as an esthetician in Marina Del Rey. My first day on the job Bunnie Gulick, the owner and brains behind Isun, came to the spa for a training.  I was already well-versed in “organic and natural products” but really had no idea how they were made or what went into bottling an organic product.  When I first looked at some of the products Bunnie had brought they read “wildcrafted.” I had no idea at the time as to what that was versus “organic or natural.”  So what is wildcrafted?   According to Isun: “Wildcrafted plants are harvested from their natural habitats where they grow freely and untouched by humankind.  They are ideally supported by compatible plants and eco-systems in soil that is teeming with abundant life and nutrients to enhance their growth.” This typically results in plants free of chemicals that are higher in nutrient values than cultivated organic and commercially farmed plants.  This changed everything.  Now knowing that some “natural and organic” plants could be commercially farmed or have chemicals on them to then later be purchased it really made me start reading labels a bit closer and learning the ways products were manufactured.


After meeting Bunnie and learning about her background and vision for Isun, I fell in love with the line. The integrity behind the products is truly impeccable.  All Isun products are based on plant ingredients: herbs, base oils, and essential oils.  They are all primarily wildcrafted, organic, or natural and contain no harmful chemicals. Some of the ingredients have been sourced from indigenous cultures where they are blessed in a sacred ceremony before arriving.  These indigenous people from around the world still honor the gifts of nature bestowed on them in a sacred way.  Isun uses a cold pressing technique to help maintain peak activity, high nutrient and energy values.  Plant electrons undamaged by heat or chemicals are more in harmony with our skin and bodies. Lastly, all Isun products are packaged in recyclable dark violet glass. The unique glass has been shown to better preserve natural products as well as extend shelf life and prevents penetration of radiation from airport x-ray machines.


In my opinion this line isn’t just a new “clean beauty” trending line of products, it’s a line that has been carefully constructed over the years and is truly mindful about each and every step of the process.  Each step being carefully constructed for us to be able to enjoy the natural healing properties of these plants and making sure where they come from is not harmed in doing so.  If you love clean beauty you will absolutely love this pioneer line that goes above and beyond to protect the earth, the people and the products.  I personally have never found another product line with the integrity this line has. 

Spotlight on Le Mieux Cosmetics

I get asked all of the time, “What products do you use and why?”  So today I am spotlighting Le Mieux Cosmetics.  I came across Le Mieux in Los Angeles after going to a high-end boutique skin care spa for a facial and they happened to sell it.  I was initially sold on the sleek upscale packaging and the fact that it was such an exclusive line (I couldn’t find it anywhere else).  Well fast-forward and that high-end boutique ended up being my place of work for many years so I really got to learn and love the line.  Le Mieux does not sell their products to retail stores and they are not a multi-level marketing company, they only allow licensed skincare professionals to carry there product, and only after you are trained on it.  You not only learn the basics of the skin care line but you learn the ingredients, the way they formulate and why, what works on what skin, what doesn’t work, how to use in the treatment room, and what works best as home care.  With so many product lines out there I think Le Mieux’s pure, effective ingredients and company integrity speaks for itself.  By only allowing licensed professionals to sell their product it keeps them separated from the rest.  People end up seeing the best results because those of us who spend our lives dedicated to skincare are the ones “prescribing” the at home treatment.  It keeps their product line high end, elite and in my opinion the best anti-aging line on the market.  I mean do you want your neighbor selling you a skin care line when they are a real estate agent or do you want a licensed skincare professional selling you a product that they have extensive knowledge and training on?  That’s a no brainer to me.


From Le Mieux:


“Le Mieux Cosmetics is an international company and professional skincare line founded in 2004 by an elite team of scientists, biologists, physicians, and chemists who are committed to creating pivotal breakthroughs in cosmetic technology to formulate the best anti-aging skincare solutions on the skincare market.”


“The company has garnered the reputation of “The Serum Authority” for its diverse selection of scientifically advanced serums with triple-tiered delivery systems, timed-release technology, and concentrated ingredients from premium sources, all custom-engineered to effectively treat a myriad of skincare concerns. Le Mieux is the first company to integrate Epidermal Growth Factor into its products to mimic human growth factors and enhance regeneration of the skin.”

“Le Mieux is passionate about education and provides specialized training that inspires skincare professionals to hone their skills and techniques, broaden the scope of their ingredient knowledge, encourage external and internal wellbeing, and foster best practices for growing a successful skincare business.”



Eyelash Extensions.  All the info you need to be informed.

Eyelash extensions seem to be hotter than ever. Eyelash extensions should be fun, not over priced, and most importantly, not harmful to your natural lashes.  So how does one decipher where to go since the market in inundated with lash bars?  My personal opinion will be laid out below.  I learned the application in 2008 and it wasn’t until 2014 that I felt like I had mastered the technique.  It took a lot of trial and error to be able to: 1) know what your client wants and to provide; 2) know the product inside and out; 3) be able to see the signs of irritation and reactions; 4) be able to tell your client when they need to take a break; and 5) know when to tell your client what they want is too long or too thick.  There are many factors that play into the application of lashes: width, length, and curl.  For classic lashes there are typically three different width sizes, 10 different lengths and multiple curl shapes. So how does your lash stylist pick?  Well after a lot of questions asked to the client I typically listen to what they want and then take that information and look at their natural lashes to see what they can hold.  If a woman with super fine and short lashes tells me she wants a super thick, long lash, I sadly will have to tell her I can’t.  That doesn’t mean I can’t do her lashes. It means her expectations need to be revised.  The most important thing is to keep the integrity of your natural lash intact.  That is where you weed out the bad stylists from the good.  You don’t want to go somewhere where they will put anything on you just to please you.  You want someone that will tell you and educate you on what you can hold.  So for the woman who wants super long and thick lashes I would tell her you can have either length or fullness but not both, so what is more important to you?  And then from there I would try and customize as best as possible but in a way to keep her natural lashes in the best shape. 


The second thing you need to look out for is time and technique.  Typically a full set takes 2 to 2 ½ hours.  Why?  Well we are taking one synthetic lash and applying it to one natural lash one by one so if done correctly that takes time!  Also and probably most importantly, your lash stylist needs to separate and spend time doing so.  In my full sets, an hour in to lashing, I stop, dry, and separate.  That means I make sure that there isn’t a hair attached to an extension that shouldn’t be.  Sometimes if you are working fast, you get two natural lashes stuck to one synthetic. That is not good.  Why? Well when your natural lashes grow if there are two lashes stuck to one synthetic, the one natural lash that shouldn’t be there will get pulled out by the root and that is when you get damage.  So your lash stylist at some time during the appointment should be separating if not at least once, but twice. If someone tells you a full set take an hour I would start asking a ton of questions just to make sure they are doing things properly.  I know 2½ hours seems long, but believe me its worth it in the long run!


Third point: client education.  So I get asked all the time, “Are they going to ruin my natural lashes?” “Are my natural lashes going to fall out?”  Well, first no, they will not ruin your natural lashes if they are applied properly as discussed above. Second, your natural lashes fall out on a daily basis.  Most people don’t realize that.  But just like the hair on your head your lashes do fall out.  Typically you will lose 3 natural lashes per day, 21 in a week, 42 in two weeks, and 63 in three weeks.  That’s a lot!  So no, eyelash extensions do not make your natural lashes fall out; it’s just the opposite. The synthetic lash falls off with your natural lash when that natural lash is ready to fall off.  Crazy, right!  So like I said earlier the only time your natural lashes will get ruined is when you wear lashes that are too long or thick for your natural lash to hold.


Enjoy the lashes; they are fun and supposed to make your life easier and for you to feel pretty all the time.  Do your research, ask questions, listen to your stylist when they tell you how to care for them and when best to come in for a fill.  If you are spending the time and effort in getting them, then care for them properly.  The information I have provided has come from years of experience.  Please keep in mind these are my personal opinions and could differ from others.  Have fun and Happy lashing!